Ottawa 67` VS Mississauga

We have not been able to write for some days now, because we have done so different fun things. Yesterday we decided to go to an ice hockey game which is the most popular sport in Canada. The match was between Ottawa 67's and Mississauga Steelheads at Ottawa 67s home arena; Canadian Tire Centre. The atmosphere was just amazing; fans were screaming and shouting through the whole match. It’s a very huge different between hockey in Canada and for example football in Norway if you compare the popularity around the matches. That surprised me a little bit. As jovial Rosenborg supporters, we thought Norway had great fans, but obviously I was wrong. We both love all kinds of sports, so we were obliged to explore Ice hockey as well. The match ended with a strong 4-2 win to Ottawa 67`s. The home fans were pleased after the match, and so were we. To celebrate the memorable match, we joined the local bar with the fans. One of the supporters, Leon, bought us “Lebbat Blue” each, which is a popular Canadian beer.

Yesterday`s celebration lead to little sleep and too much beer. We had planned to go out to explore some more of the city, but we have no energy at all. Our only goal today is to eat a lot of food, and to avoid all physical activity. To be honest with you, we do not even want to write any more today. We will come back stronger tomorrow!

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