Visit to the Church

I have to start this post with a little review from yesterday; The Justin Bieber concert was indescribable! Sure, there were more dancers than musicians on the stage. And yes, he changed clothes more often than we do together in a week. But he has an amazing voice, and is very good at what he does.  When he played his monster hit Baby the whole crowd went crazy, we even sang along. And the girls looked good, but their only focus was on Justin unfortunately.. 
Today it is time for reflection and thinking. After some stressful days, a visit to the church fits perfect. Canada has no official religion and supports religious pluralism, which means freedom of religion. This is an important part of Canada`s political culture. However, 70% of Canadians are Christians. We are not Christians, but since so many of the inhabitants are connected to this religion, we choose to visit a Christian Church. In that way we can learn more about Canadian`s culture and Canadians relationship to religion. Today it is Sunday, a perfect day for a visit like this. The church has “Lord`s Day Meeting” from 10 am to 1:30 pm every Sunday. Our new friend Jon, as we mentioned in a previous post, will be with us. He is a Catholic, just like the majority of the Christians in Canada.

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