Dinner at Jon`s house

We have now been on vacation for some days, and our impression of the country is fantastic! We have become friends with a Canadian named Jon. We did not blog yesterday because we were invited to dinner with Jon and his girlfriend to get the taste of traditional Canadian food. Jon served a dish called “Poutine.” Poutine is French fries slathered in gravy and cheese curds. The dinner was very different from typical Norwegian food.

At the dinner table they told us about the living conditions and values in the country. Canada can actually be compared with Norway in several ways, not only the climate. The first Jon said was that Canada has 0% of the population below poverty line, the same as Norway. When we asked about the labour force – by occupation, he laughed and told that 76% consist of services, for example tourists just like us. Jon is a doctor, so we found it natural to ask about the health care system. To conclude that subject of the conversation, the health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system, which is mostly free. His girlfriend works as a politician in Bloc Québécois, a politician group in Canada. She explained that in Canada there are three levels governments, and each level has different responsibilities. The Federal government takes care of assignments that affect the whole land, national defense and trading with other countries. Provincial and territorial governments are responsible for such as education and health care. The last government is named Municipal. This government is for local matters. The dinner was very exciting and tasteful. We hope that also have learnt some more about Canadian politics and demography.
http://web2.uwindsor.ca/edfac/student/griff-4.htm 9.11.13
http://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?dir=par&document=index&lang=e&section=pol#Bloc 9.11.13
http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/06/28/canadian-food_n_2869764.htm 9.11.13

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